Just a group of people meeting together...

Just a group of people meeting together; spending time sharing their faith; praying together; laughing together, sometimes crying together. Some people call it cell church or cell to those in the know!, others bible study, still others house group whatever - the group I am in - I love. I love Monday evenings - this week in our small group 7 different nationalities, all different yet all one.

I call it "Just a group of people meeting together; spending time sharing their faith; praying together; laughing together sometimes crying together." Somehow the brand I feel wont catch on! Shame I wonder how much could be gained from:-

"Just a group of people meeting together; spending time sharing their faith; praying together; laughing together sometimes crying together." conferences;

"Just a group of people meeting together; spending time sharing their faith; praying together; laughing together sometimes crying together." video packs;

"Just a group of people meeting together; spending time sharing their faith; praying together; laughing together sometimes crying together." books; training manuals. Oh what a line it could go on and on. I can see merchandise a website,

www.Justagroupofpeoplemeetingtogetherspendingtimesharingtheir faithprayingtogtherlaughingtogethersometimescryingtogether.com

It would be just my luck that someone has registered the domain, actually it would be just my luck that someone has already had this idea and called it something a lot simpler - church!?


[actually I apologise to anyone who really believes that our church actually runs groups called "Just a group of people meeting together; spending time sharing their faith; praying together; laughing together sometimes crying together." We do run small groups but they are called something else!!!?]


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