Blessing through the unexpected...

It had to be a quick call. Our evening of cultural unity 'Lift Him Up' International had come to a close. I'd given a benediction to an evening of beautiful chaotic multicultural worship. Then Patrick chirped up with "Can I sing 'now the day is over...?'".
A lot of eyes were on me. I made my call "You know Patrick I think you can..."
He came to the front, took the mike, and sang.
Now the day is over,With clarity, style and timing that is Patrick's he gave us a glimpse of the kingdom. I'm not sure he got all the verses in the right order, he may not of sang them all, some of the words were fuddled - but he blessed us and we all knew it.
Night is drawing nigh,
Shadows of the evening
Steal across the sky.
Jesus, give the weary
Calm and sweet repose;
With Thy tend’rest blessing
May mine eyelids close.
Grant to little children
Visions bright of Thee;
Guard the sailors tossing
On the deep, blue sea.
Comfort those who suffer,
Watching late in pain;
Those who plan some evil
From their sin restrain.
Through the long night watches
May Thine angels spread
Their white wings above me,
Watching round my bed.
When the morning wakens,
Then may I arise
Pure, and fresh, and sinless
In Thy holy eyes.
When he finished - I was moved. Quite choked.
I wish you knew Patrick, he'd drive you insane but when you least expect it God'll bless you through him.
It is amazing how God can use what many may seem to be the quite ordinary to move and bless us - thank you for sharing I too enjoy the stories of Patrick.
God Bless You