Two pictures...

Officers Councils/ Retreat? I've learned to take responsibility for my time and go with an agenda. I've still got some Meditations on the pictures of Sieger Koder - so I go expectant. I find space and find myself over the two days alone with Sieger Koder's pictures. I come away challenged.

The first the unfamilar 'Insight'. The walls dominate but it is the walls that can't be seen that speak. The Woman at the well adept at self protection but at what cost? Associated prose delves deep questioning...
"Over the years we build the walls of self protection,
blocking out light and truth..."
Self protection - not part of me or is it? My mind wanders in the various sessions at Swanwick. Background noise to my thoughts as I wonder. I think of conversations and there is a niggle within.

The second familar 'Real Me!' almost laughably obvious. The clown image, the mask, the title ... oh please? I give a cursory glance over the image then I see something that I have never seen before in this picture. I see what he is sitting on then I read:
"we gather knowledge, build pedestals with accumulated wisdom hoping to perch up high, safe beyond criticism and self doubt"
That niggle floods back and I realise that I'm guilty. Those protective walls they are there. Now what to do - I'm not sure I am comfortable!! Back to the first picture and I look carefully and find that even within the walls of self-protection Jesus is there. A good friend talks to me about being 'ambushed' by God - I feel ambushed!

Thanks Sieger - you've done it again!


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