Amazing Grace...

" do you know what grace is?"... "course...." I'm surprised, but wait for 'it is what we say before we eat at Nan's'

My draft file on blogger needs some attention, while I was doing a little weeding I found this tucked away from the good ol' Poplar days.


I'm helping Ian download some MP3 tracks in youth club when he asks for "Amazing Grace...". We ascertain that it isn't anything to do with the pipes and drums of the Scot's guards but a more recent Mariah Carey recording that has been flirting with the charts....apparently??

There were 4 or 5 young people in the IT room so I ask " do you know what grace is?"... "course...." I'm surprised, but wait for 'it is what we say before we eat at Nan's'.

Between the taps of a keyboard Lisa says "It's a girls name, and so there must be something pretty good about her... 'Amazing Grace!'"

The tapping continues but I reply.

"oh ... but it is so much more..."

I like talking grace!


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