Growing in Godlikeness...

"Nothing can make me holy except the presence of God."

Ringma points out that:

"The Christian life is growth in love, holiness, and service. Holiness is growing in Godlikeness and this is the product of the grace of God and the empowerment of the Spirit. It is not the result of spiritual techniques."

Mother Teresa goes to the heart of the subject. She comments, "Nothing can make me holy except the presence of God."

Ringma continues
"Christlikeness is the formation grace of Christ. It is becoming like Christ in obedience to God and in service to the neighbour. It is the growth to becoming a reconciling and healing presence in the many relationships of life."
Holiness makes no sense without mission and mission makes no sense without holiness. Our spiritual formation if it is to be authentic needs to go beyond us as individuals to that of our community.


Kapten Clark said…
When Mother Teresa said, "Nothing can make me holy except the presence of God," was she referring to the Catholic belief of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist?
Gordon said…
The quote is in Ringma's book so I can't vouch for its context.

However within the context of what Ringma is trying to say I would have to say that if that had been MT's intention he has woefully misused the quote.

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