Aggressive Brownies

"good time?..."
"What'd you do? ..."
"Played games..."
"What'd you think?...."
"Alright but I'm not sure it was right to ask me to play games and feed me chocolate if the real reason was to get me to go back next week!"
"Why not? ..."
"it just felt ... well ... a bit sucky"
"so do you want to go back next week...?"
"I don't think so..."
The Brownies only used chocolate and games to manipulate unsuspecting ten year olds into their clutches, whereas you're prepared to use the sweet innocent life of your daughter to prove a point! (I'm smiling!)
Surely if the Brownies exist to create Brownies and chocolate and games does the biz then all credit to the Brownies. (Obviously they were not canny enough for your street wise and erudite offspring.)
If the Brownies didn't recruit then they'd die as a movement (hmm sounds familiar). The Brownies have to compete with the Internet, Sims 2 and Tracey Beaker - it's a dog eat dog world in the battle for Children's brains!
Did you ever hear about the evangelist (apparently true story) who was a snake handler. He used to release a snake at the feet of unsuspecting and delicate females only to leap out, grab the snake and save them! Then once he had their sympathetic attention he’d preach the gospel at them? Now that I would agree is immoral, connived and completely unacceptable. But the Brownies were not that manipulative and I don’t think TSA are either.
If Jesus was happy with the ends justifying the means (to a degree) then so am I.
By the way. my 7 year old daughter (also a Beth) would have gone back the following week, reorganised the pack, sold the chocolate at a profit, sacked the Brownie leader for being inefficient and then sought out your Bethan under a new Brownie PALS initiative. God help the unsaved (or should that be the Army) when she enlists!
L&P Andrew
Too bad children's associations aren't more active in engaging children anymore. We'd probably have fewer on the street.