Open letter to Gordon Cotterill...

Never had one of those before. Matt has graciously entered dialogue regarding mission's false dichotomy - read it if you wish - here.


Rehoboth said…
Thanks for a good discussion Gordon, Matt and Andrew.
My thoughts went to 1 Th 1:4 "For we know, brothers loved by God that he has chosen you, because our gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction. We know how we lived among you for your sake. You became imitators of us and of the Lord."
The gospel was declared with words and the example of loving holy living but there was a "power evanglism element as well.
When Jesus sent out his disciples on mission he "gave them authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick."
Our personal experience is that you can't leave any element out. True mission involves explaining the gospel clearly, modelling kingdom values in community and being used by the Holy Spirit to demonstrate the kingdom through works of power.
When we live in response of the guidance of the Holy Spirit we are joining in with what he is already doing in a community or in an individual. He connects it all up so that expressed love opens up a heart to hear the words of the gospel, or just when a person has been struggling with muddled thinking the faithful declaration of the word of God cuts straight to the heart of the matter or a person who doesn't know whether God is real or not encounters him his suprnatural power.
The element that you begin with or emphasise most in a situation has to be Spirit led.
I'm going to work through this at my Old Wells blog. (see sally bloggers)

God bless

Carol Young
Gordon said…
Carol - thanks for chipping in! I love that quote.

"True mission involves explaining the gospel clearly, modelling kingdom values in community and being used by the Holy Spirit to demonstrate the kingdom through works of power."

another nail hit on the head. Thanks it needs constant ongoing and rigourous reflection to kmke sure that definition of true mission isn't fractured.

We've discovered that modelling kingdom values has provoked the questions that then enables us to explain the gospel clearly!


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