conversation contrived or authentic outcome?

"So do you know every word in the bible?"

I was in the music room working with 16-year old Ian, his question came out of the blue. I look up and Ian is looking at me through his smeared glasses hopefully!

"NO - but I know some of them!"
I came away wondering of all the words, what is it about Ian's life that had him pull those words out of the hat.

Unperturbed Ian continues "So is 'forget' in the bible?" Thinking quickly ... I think of Isaiah and say "well there is a lovely picture in the bible where mothers whose sons had been taken from them tattooed the names on their hand so that they wouldn't forget - God tells us that in the same way God wont forget us..."

Ian doesn't always do thoughtful but he seems to be thinking "Well...what about loneliness?" My mind races and we talk about Jesus in the desert, I guess I could've done better with that one, I could've gone to Gethsemane, never mind we talk about Jesus knowing what lonliness would feel like.

"So what is your favourite word in the bible...?"

I take a snap decision and go with "eternal punishment" .... (grrr!) .... actually I don't say that at all :o). I look at Ian and I say "you know what ... I think it would have to be 'love'"

Ian turns to Ben who is in there with us - what about you? "Yep love for me too..." We spend the next 5 or so minutes talking about love and grace in the bible before the moment has gone. "Ben - can you teach me to play the guitar"

"er ...sure"

I came away wondering of all the words, what is it about Ian's life that had him pull those words out of the hat. I came away hoping the new words in his 'lexicon' and their implication would stick.

I'm sat here a week later thinking ... now was that conversation contrived, a manipulation or was it a natural process, an authentic outcome of a sharing in each others lives? Was our conversation motivated by love and the desire within me for everyone to enjoy the fullness of life I enjoy? Or was it a refletion of our youth work having a hidden agenda and the loaded small print that I abhor?


bec said…
My thoughts, (and I am a youth worker), from the sounds of it I would say, no, it wasn't contrived. From what it sounds like I would say: Started with him, was directed by him, ended with him. Your opinion was valued and asked for and the answers were given truthfully. I'm praying that the words do hold. And my favourite word would have to be love too!
Sarah said…
it was beautiful. i love ian. i dont think you could really contrive a conversation with him. unless showing him love is a form of contriving. which it isnt. ian just knows we love him i think... i would hope

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