Brueggemann on the False Dichotomy of mission...

"...there is no freedom of God without the politics of justice and compassion, and there is no politics of justice and compassion without a religion of the freedom of God,..."

I'm ever more convinced that a dualistic approach to mission is dishonourable to the whole concept of missio-dei. Here is what Brueggemann has to say on a dichotomy that is false...

My impression is that we have split those two items much too easily but not without reason. The liberal tendency has been to care about the politics of justice and compassion but to be largely uninterested in the freedom of God. Indeed, it has been hard for liberals to imagine that theology mattered, for all of that seemed irrelevant. And it was thought that the question of God could be safely left to others who still worried about such matters. As a result, social radicalism has been like a cut flower without nourishment, without any sanctions deeper than human courage and good intentions. ... The point that prophetic imagination must ponder is that there is no freedom of God without the politics of justice and compassion, and there is no politics of justice and compassion without a religion of the freedom of God". Pp18

Brueggeman, W. (1978) The Prophetic Imagination. Fortress

Right that is my back log of of false dichotomy quotes! Here's some of the collection.

Fullness of Life...shalom and salvation
Sham Compassion...Absurd Activism...Trendy Past Time
Evangelism Gone Entrepreneurial... a disappointing read!
Newbigin on Mission's False Dichotomy...
Kraybill on Mission's False Dichotomy...
Murray on Mission's False Dichotomy...
Wallis on Mission's False Dichotomy...
Guder on Mission's False Dichotomy...
Morisy on Mission's False Dichotomy...


Anonymous said…
Love this

Blessings as ever

Gordon said…
pleasure Keith - hope you are well and keeping safe!

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