Mission as Action in Hope...

Brueggemann challenges the capacity of the people of God in mission to practice a hope that is rooted solely in God's own hope.

Brueggemann mixes it up with NT Wright's overarching theme of 'New Creation' and task of the Church as a focus for mission while reflecting on Mission as Action in Hope. The symposium's premise was simple but effective:

"The Mission is Missio Dei;
The action is God's action in mending creation;
The hope is God's hope for a new creation"

By making sense of the church's purpose to witness to God's intention and making sense of God's purpose of bringing the 'whole creation to well-being (shalom)', Brueggemann challenges the capacity of the people of God in mission to practice a hope that is rooted solely in God's own hope. This invites thinking on the part of the church to take up its responsibility as a 'counteractor of hope in every dimension of life' concerning:

  • economic disparities midst God's abundance,

  • political oppression midst God's justice,

  • environmental exploitation midst God's fruitfulness,

  • destruction of the social fabric of health, education and welfare midst God's homemaking,

  • the claims of natural sciences midst the mystery of God,

  • destruction of community via class, race, gender in the midst of God's vision of unity,

  • deep and lethal despair among those who have received 'everything' and whose lives yet are absent of joy.

Brueggemann. (2007: 161ff). Hope for the World. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press.


Graeme Smith said…
Hmmm! Now there is another book to add to my ever growing list of books to buy! The problem is with two Sunday meetings and two small children, plus everything else I rarely get to read outside of those areas these day! :(
Gordon said…
top tip - wait until you get to WBC and use the library copy :o)
Graeme Smith said…
Just have to get through the March Assessment Conference and I'll be there come Sept. See you at Incarnate!

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