Mission as Action in Hope...
Brueggemann challenges the capacity of the people of God in mission to practice a hope that is rooted solely in God's own hope.
"The Mission is Missio Dei;
The action is God's action in mending creation;
The hope is God's hope for a new creation"
By making sense of the church's purpose to witness to God's intention and making sense of God's purpose of bringing the 'whole creation to well-being (shalom)', Brueggemann challenges the capacity of the people of God in mission to practice a hope that is rooted solely in God's own hope. This invites thinking on the part of the church to take up its responsibility as a 'counteractor of hope in every dimension of life' concerning:
- economic disparities midst God's abundance,
- political oppression midst God's justice,
- environmental exploitation midst God's fruitfulness,
- destruction of the social fabric of health, education and welfare midst God's homemaking,
- the claims of natural sciences midst the mystery of God,
- destruction of community via class, race, gender in the midst of God's vision of unity,
- deep and lethal despair among those who have received 'everything' and whose lives yet are absent of joy.
Brueggemann. (2007: 161ff). Hope for the World. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press.
Just have to get through the March Assessment Conference and I'll be there come Sept. See you at Incarnate!