Thomas à Kempis ... Reflection

My soul, always find your rest in the Lord more than in anything else, for He is the everlasting rest of the saints.

Dear loving Jesus, allow me to find my rest in You above any created thing (Rom.8:19-22) and above any health and beauty, glory and honor, power and dignity, knowledge and cleverness, riches and arts, joy and gladness, fame and praise, pleasure and comfort, hope and promise, and any deserving and desire.

Let it be above any gifts or favors that You might give to me, above any humour and celebration that the mind can conceive and feel. Let my rest in You be more than all this, and even higher than all the host of Heaven, including angels and archangels and anything visible or invisible. Let it be more than anything that is not You, my God.

Thomas à Kempis (Imitation of Christ)


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