An implausible soap opera...

I listened on to his story of utter brokeness. An implausible soap opera but with the resultant reality of his homlessness.

"Why don't you come and sit down?"

I'd not met Richard before but for half an hour Richard had been telling me his story as Estelle and I cleared the kitchen at Faith House. I listened on to his story of utter brokeness. An implausible soap opera but with the resultant reality of his homelessness. I try to suggest reconciliation, that anger is not the answer that there is another way. We talk about grace being the vicious circle breaker but to his mind there is no way round the fact that Richard is no longer welcome he can only look on as a stranger as his 'family' grows up.

He concludes his impassioned dialogue:

"I've lost everything, absolutely everything..."

There is usually a reason when people talk for so long - they are desperately lonely and need to be heard. There is usually a reason why people prolong their goodbye's and take an age to leave Faith House - they don't want to return to the street from which they have come.

For an hour it was good to sit an listen to Richard.


Anonymous said…
Richard spoke to Chris on wednesday and asked her to pray with him at the end - some listening has brought breakthrough's.
Gordon said…
That's great Estelle.

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