Lausanne on Mission's False Dichotomy...

It's been a while since I last mention the dichotomy that I still maintain is a blight on our understanding of mission and the effective communication of Gospel. I came across this quote in Driver, J. (1997:220). Images of the Church in Mission. Lancaster: Herald Press.

"The communication of the Evangel in its fullness to every person worldwide is a mandate of the Lord Jesus to His community. There are times when our communication may be by attitude and action only, and times when the spoken word will stand alone, but we must repudiate as demonic the attempt to drive a wedge between. Men will look as they listen and what they see must be at one with what they hear. There is no biblical dichotomy between the word spoken and the word incarnated in the lives of God's people". (Lausanne)

Fullness of Life...shalom and salvation
Sham Compassion...Absurd Activism...Trendy Past Time
Evangelism Gone Entrepreneurial... a disappointing read!
Newbigin on Mission's False Dichotomy...
Kraybill on Mission's False Dichotomy...
Murray on Mission's False Dichotomy...
Wallis on Mission's False Dichotomy...
Guder on Mission's False Dichotomy...
Morisy on Mission's False Dichotomy...
Brueggemann on the False Dichotomy of mission...
GS Railton on Missions False Dichotomy
NT Wright on Mission's False Dichotomy...
William Booth on Mission's False Dichotomy...


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