Living Missionally 3/4...

Another Frost list of attributes to strive towards in order to live missionally.

An active sharing of life, participating in the fears, frustrations, and afflictions of the host community. The prayer of the exile should be 'Lord let your mind be in me' for no witness is capable of incarnationally without the mind of Jesus

An employment of the language and thought forms of those with whom we seek to share Jesus. After all, he used common speech and stories: salt, light, fruit, birds and the like. He seldom used theological or religious jargon or technical terms.

A preparedness to go to people, not expecting them to come to us. As Jesus came from the heavens to humanity, we enter into the 'tribal' realities of human society.

A confidence that the gospel can be communicated by ordinary mans, through acts of servanthood, loving relationships, good deeds; in this way the exile becomes an extension of the incarnation in our time. Deeds thus creates words.

Frost, M. (2006:55). Exiles: Living Missionally in a Post-Christian Culture.


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