The windows are boarded up now...

"now I was hearing Shaggy's story of revenge and vegeance..."

Most of last week all the windows of Shaggy's rather violent arch enemy were smashed in, curtains left to float in the breeze....

It all started last Thursday before youth club.

"But you don't know it was me" Shaggy was staggering, pointing a bloody a hand at me, blood still pouring from a cut that really needed medical attention. In his other hand a large incriminating stick!

Minutes before I walked in on the scene. Going to youth club I saw Shaggy's dog first, then the blood, then Roz our youth worker trying to bandage his hand. I took over so that Roz could get youth club started and now I was hearing Shaggy's story of revenge and vegeance. I look at the drunken Shaggy and then up to the windows.

I sigh, point up at the flat opposite and shout "What good has that achieved?"

He grunts at me as I sit down "Did you see me do it..."


"aha how'd you know it was me...?"

I look at the spot of blood on my new shirt, the blood still dripping from his hand, the stick.

"I don't know Shaggy, call it intuition...!"

He swears obscenities at me as he staggers away down the street. The dog gets up, gives me a look of apology and follows his master.

That was last week - the windows are boarded up now. We wait for the fall out as the revenge rolls on.


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