New General...

That's that then! Shaw Clifton - read more here.

When he came to Poplar he was great with Patrick - but I don't suppose that got a mention in all the speeches and Q&A!


Dave C said…
Although Shaw Clifton is a great choice. Incredibly smart and wise in the Word...I am a little disappointed that they didn't elect the first black General or even another woman. Yeah, how about another british white offence Gordon! :o)
Tim said…
Darn! I thought you had a real chance this time Gordon!
Chris H said…
I was convinced it was going to be Israel Gaither!

Still, I'm sure Shaw Clifton will make a good General.
weareallghosts said…
Hi Gordon... Sorry you didn't get the job! Routing for you next time...

My money (metaphorically) was on Israel Gaither... Shame he didn't get it - he would have taken the Army forward!

Not sure on Shaw... Guess we will have to wait and see... Luke 6:43 is a comfort of sorts...

Peace, Thomas
Yadah said…
I would have liked to see someone more forward thinking too. Shaw Clifton certainly is "old Army". I guess you just have to consider who elected him. (I know, I know . . . people will say that ultimately God had control - at least that's what we "supposed" to say!) I wonder if we'd had some middle 30's and 40's aged people vote what the outcome might have been. Of course, that won't be happening anytime soon. :)
Gordon said…
and to think I'd written my acceptance speech - nevermind!

Hang on a minute isn't it pending references ;o) maybe there is still a chance!!

I'm not really sure how much of a difference the office of General makes these days to people I'm involved with.
Heather's place said…
Not a comment on SC just a bit of triv really. I've looked at the list of Generals and I'm amazed at how many we've had in my life time ie 11 (inc SC) compared with 7 before! And I'm only 41.

However my husband's Grandma has lived through them all. Next time I see her I'll ask if she has a favourite. At 99 she's a fairly impressive retired Major.

Anyway - God bless the General.
Gordon said…
I thought the same heather! mind you, you have a yaer on me!

I made an observation that all that I have known have been powerful orators. Of course being able to verbalise vision is essential - but I hope other qualities are taken into account - which I am sure they are.

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