Salvation Army Grid::Blog (second wave!)

I was flicking through technorati and did a search on 'Salvation Army Grid::Blog' and discovered that there were some late comers to the party. It made me think perhaps it was time to try it again.

The idea was to try and connect sally bloggers through simply typing "Salvation Army Grid::Blog" into your title to see whether the search engines would lump us together - more here. I discovered more show up if you drop the :: from the search.


Chris H said…
Believe it or not, your posts are often an inspiration to action for me :)

Remember I wrote a while back about "blogrings"? I've set up a simple one (which will look much nicer when I have the time to update it!).

The home page is at if you're interested. Only one blog in it at the moment, mine!
Gordon said…
Chris that is realy funny! I jsut finished subscribing to and have it ready to go on my next publish! Tell you what I'll join yours if you join mine!
Gordon said…
yours is much better than what I found so yours is declared the winner! I wish I cuold get to comment on your site it seems not to like nay of teh passwords that I have requested!
Chris H said…
Yeh, I get e-mails every time you request a new password (obviously it doesn't tell me what your password is, though).

I've added your site into the ring :)

If you still have trouble with my blog let me know and I'll change your password manually.
Anonymous said…
About 3 month ago when the whole sal bloging thing got hot. I stated working on away to inter connect sal blog useing rss and soup. More as a pet project as I'm working on my masters right now (so time is at a prem). I came up with useing wordpress as the front end and some java in the backend to pickup rss and atom feed. I hope that it woul be used to connect saly around the world. In thory I can have as manny feed as the server can handly.
Gordon said…
Thanks Mr Mu Mu - typical you wait for a blogring and three turn up :o)
weareallghosts said…
Hey Gordon...

Thanks for the heads-up on this. Joined the ring (well applied...) Found Chris from Glenrothes' blog through the ring which is cool... need to connect with like-minded Salvationists in the blogosphere...

Peace and keep up the great blog...

Gordon said…
Thomas I noticed you had joined - nice box!!

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