Threshold of the Future...highlights

Crossing boundaries for the sake of mission.

“None of us find it easy to live without the approval and understanding of people we respect. And yet crossing boundaries means relinquishing much of that affirmation. Like troops on the front line, it becomes important to develop good lines of supply. It is important to have a few friends who share the same vision and are rock solid in their support. Reading the Gospels becomes essential, and learning how to search for and find Christ in the stranger. Regular time out for reflection helps to maintain sanity. But the danger is worth it, for it is beyond the margins that God is most clearly at work.”

“The essence of the church has always been mission. It is created by mission, renewed by mission, and participates in mission. That mission belongs to God, and the church has stakes in it only insofar as it shares the life of God through Christ. To take part in God's mission to the world is to become a conductor of the divine energy, which has been unleashed through the tearing open of the Trinity. Apart from involvement in mission, the church becomes a tawdry relic; a dusty museum of religion, suitable for tourists and historians, but little else.”

M.Riddell (1998) Threshold of the Future: Reforming the Church in the Post-Christian West. SPCK

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