Above the changle of change...

I smile as he drops some coins into the box. Above the changle of change I barely hear him mutter "my mate committed suicide last night"

"I'm glad you were here ... I just needed to talk...!" I watched him walked away and felt a little stunned.

It was my turn to stand collecting at Tesco's feeling much the same sentiments as Nick. A battle was going on in my head. "Go on go home you've done your bit and in anycase there's no-one here" was up against "no stay, it'll change another 10 minutes and it'll be worth it". "No stay" in the blue corner was winning ... just!

That's when he came, put some money in my box. I could tell he was eager to talk. "Can't pass you guys, I'm a firefighter..."

I smile as he drops some coins into the box. Above the changle of change I barely hear him mutter "my mate committed suicide last night"

All of me ached to hear what he was saying.

"Young family, twin girls and a boy and he topped himself .... why? His wife had to find him hanging? We'd all be out for a drink ... why'd he do it?"

We spend time talking about his feelings of guilt, helplessness and anger. Tomorrow he has to tell the rest of his watch what happened.

He goes to walk off and he knows he has met someone who will be praying for him. "You know this has helped ... I'm glad you were here ... I just needed to talk...!"


World of blog - "You know this has helped ... I'm glad you were here ... I just needed to talk...!?"


Anonymous said…

Just as well you listened to the voice that told you to stay a little longer. It made me wonder how many times have we listened to the other voice and not obeyed and someone has missed out on us being there for them.

He was lucky you were there for him so many people out there so much pain.

Kathryn said…
Love and prayers...as always, glad you are there!
James Elliot said…
Gordon, it makes the many hours of standing worth everything. Keep listening to the still small voice
BrownEyedGirl said…
Sometimes the blogging world is the same for us. A place to talk, to share. To know someone is out there who will pray for you.
Drop a line, like a coin
share a hurt
Like a passerby.
Sarah said…
so good that God lets us be blessings eh... this world is sometimes just like a rotten apple. my heart is breaking for that man... oh and thank you so much for all the stuff on the false dichotomy of mission... i got to use it all for an essay i am writing... hope you dont mind!i feel a sermon coming on lol.

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