Saying Goodbye...

These are very much the last days for us at Poplar and I have to say that really I am not enjoying them.

Today was our last Sunday at Poplar and I feel grief, a deep sadness, a sense of loss at having to saying goodbye to a way of life that has molded us and shaped us in the last eight years. Saying goodbye to people that have meant so much to us. Saying goodbye to relationships that have developed and grown. Saying goodbye to people that we have worked with who have energised and inspired us.

How do you say goodbye to a journey with people that has meant so much more to you than you can imagine. How do you say goodbye to people that have taught you so much more than you feel you have given - I think I prefer 'laters!'

So 'laters' it will be.



Kathryn said…
Oh Gordon, it IS hard, isn't it. You've all clearly been a blessing to Poplar,- but will go on blessing people in your new context too. Just been trying to breathe some life into a sermon for this evening, talking about the great missionary need to move on...and I can't imagine how I'll do it when the time comes. Just losing a month of parish life while I'm in India feels tough enough.Love and prayers to all of you as you negotiate this change.
Kapten Clark said…
This grieving is certainly one part of officership for which I was completely unprepared. I certainly mourned for some of my COs after they farewelled when I was growing up, but they all seemed to get on fine without me (us)!

Probably the most oft-repeated advice I've been given has been: "Love your people!" But to love them and leave them is quite heartbreaking, as you said so well yourself.

I think that it is a bit emotionally and mentally unhealthy for officers to keep loving and leaving like this! I am an advocate of short appointments (3-5 years), so I'm not saying that moving less is the answer.

I guess I don't have an answer at all, but I feel your pain!
Kelly said…
you will be in our prayers as your family begins yet another transition. goodbyes are never easy, especially with those with whom you have grown and been challenged.

peace on your journey, love in your actions.
Anonymous said…
Praying for you, the family and the flock!

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