Why do you blog!!?

Just seen this on the random quote generator over at theRubicon
"A person becomes a writer because they’re deficient. They have problems. They’re crazy. They have unhappy families. They’re eccentric… there’s a strong irrationality about the writing life. Often a writer writes just to maintain their sanity.” (Paul Theroux)"
Why do you blog!!?

Ok I definately have a happy family. I am not aware of any problems apart from too much hair and apparently a optical illussion for a waist-line! I'm as deficient as the next person! So that leaves crazy or eccentric!!

Writing my reflections down has been a help, giving a focus for my thoughts whether it is just to maintain my sanity who knows!!


Keeley said…
see i think i blog because i find it eaiser to express my opinions in writing than to someone's face. I think it comes out clear and to the point that way.
Heather's place said…
I started blogging as a way of recording some of the feelings I had about dealing with Mums long-term sickness. I also thought it may be helpful to anyone else in a similar situation to read how I was dealing with things.

I’ve found it really helpful to take the time to organise my thoughts into a logical piece of writing that I hope makes makes sense to others. So I suppose I could fall into the writing to maintain my sanity category.

I also like to reflect on the things other people are saying so I comment on their blogs and sometimes add further thoughts at my place.

I love the immediacy of blogging and that you can wander from blog to blog following trains of thoughts between friends. I like the medium and want to be part of that community. I mostly read Christians Blogs and most of them will be Army blogs.

I often want to contribute to a debate but I’m sometimes too slow to get my random thoughts organised into a logical point of view. But when I do it’s sometimes like being part of a giant on-line “testimony time”.

I do like the way that the bloggers I read are more polite in disagreement than some of the writers who post on discussion sites. I used to read the army discussion pages but got fed up of the unpleasant tone of the some of the posts. I also didn’t like all the in-jokes and the way the forum was used personal chatting.

I think blogs are a bit like shops. You chose whether to go in - if you like what you get you go back again.

I think when I write I'm making myself accountable in some way – knowing that friends who know we well will read what I’ve written.

Anyway – enough for now. I have to be out in the real world. Off to the Army again.
Roz Lynch said…
All of the above and some!
I blog in part because I want to dig out where I have encountered God in the last day or so, particularly to notice and be grateful, or sometimes challenged and angry. His presence is kind of subtle, but also powerful, and I don't want to miss a moment of it!
Anonymous said…
My main reason for blogging is to journalise my thoughts in some way. I have always been useless at the 'writing things down in a book' way of recording my thoughts, and find now that blogging has really helped me focus.

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