A year ago...

I wrote this a year ago and thought it still appropriate given that with all the "One Year On..." reviews Eryn went to school today worried this morning that we were at war and the bombs were happening again.

Well Done... (07.07.05)

So ends a day of sirens and helicopters overhead and I can't help reflect and say well done whoever you are.

You've managed to close London's transport for a day. You've managed to injure over 700 people. You've managed to kill 40 people who got up this morning thinking that today was just Thursday. Well done on ripping friendships and families apart, throwing people into unexpected grief and suffering.

Well done you've managed to get the world to look at London and to see how clever you are. You've caused the G8 to hiccup, and to stutter for a day. Well done you've managed to make your point.

Above all well done, you've scared my 9 year old daughter, you've terrorised her. She is scared you are going to blow her up. She is scared that her Mum and Dad are going on a train tomorrow, she's scared that we're going to catch a bus. Well done you have done so well - it must be really hard to scare 9 year olds. Oh and well done on today stealing my daughters innocent belief in the good of humanity. Today she saw a different world, she saw your world of hate just the way you would want her to see it. But you know what she doesn't understand and nor do I. Thanks for putting me in the position of trying to explain it all for her.

So whoever you are well done you must be so proud to be bringers of terror into the lives of the young, lives that don't understand.


Thomas said…
these terrorist havent achieved anything accept for creating more hate in the backlash. More islamaphobia has come from people trying to rule it out. Its rather sad and i personally pitty these ill people. we shouldnt let them break us, we should be better people because of 7/7, we should make the world a better place and rat out these extremists alltogether.

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