No eye deer...

Do you like talking to people who are always right?

Leonard Sweet somewhere points out that kangaroo is an aboriginal name for "I don't know." When someone asked, "What are those things hopping around the countryside?" Australian aborigines would shrug and say "Kangaroo."

He goes on to say that there is something a little suspect of those that suggest that they have all the answers and actually a bit of Kangaroo theology could go along way!

Richard Feynman Nobelist 1988 a very clever man! once said
"I think it's much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers which might be wrong"
Sweet tells his students
"80% of my theology is correct, 20% is wrong - problem is I'm not sure which is the 80% and which isn't!"
A while back Rick at New Life Emerging quoted Shunryu Suzuki
"“In the beginner'’s mind there are many possibilities but in the experts there are few."
He points out that Jesus was keen to point out the beauty of being childlike, but the religious leaders of the day were just childish - They were more interested in being right than in being compassionate. (more here)
Two thousand years later here we are, and at times, it feels like the church has just simply lost it's ever lovin' ... beginners mind.
For many the fear of saying 'I don't know' debilitating, the need to be right constantly is exhausting - perhaps there is a time and a place for a bit of Kangaroo Theology!


Anonymous said…
There is an good joke/story on this in Pete Rollins book... (abridged)

3 theologians killed in a car crash, get to heaven are told 'Your in' but have to have a debrief interview with Jesus first... the first, a Mystic goes in - 5 mins later he comes out saying "I knew I was wrong", the second, an evangelical comes out after 5 hours saying "How could I have been so wrong", the third a Fundie goes in 5 days later the door is flung open and out comes Jesus Shouting "I don't understand how I got it wrong!"

Oh, BTW the Kangaroo story is a myth, it actually means Horse in a particualr Aboriginal dialect, the setlers got their dialects mixed up apparently!
Gordon said…

I read all the different takes on kangaroo but still - it makes for a good story ;o)
It seems 80% of your blooming blog is right and the other 20% is wrong. There you go!

Hope you're fine

Anonymous said…
Hi- thanks. I guess NT WRight is a bit behind Sweet- I'm told he said about 30% of his theology was wrong- he just didn't know which 30%.

PS imagine me 'quoting' Wright to a British Salvo! :-)
Andrew Bale said…
As Lancellot said in the Merchant of Venice...

"Nay, indeed, if you had your eyes, you might fail of
the knowing me: it is a wise father that knows his
own child. Well, old man, I will tell you news of
your son: give me your blessing: truth will come
to light; murder cannot be hid long; a man's son
may, but at the length truth will out."

Yours - set apart for Jesus

Gordon said…
Andrew - that made me giggle, at first I thought it was the 'no eye' you latched onto!! Thanks for teh bold - it is comforting.
Gordon said…
charlie - encouraging as ever :o) we're all fine - when are you ebaying your ski-gear?

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