Get your church

Strategy, Logos, buildings, leaflets, posters, magazines, media liason, websites just some of the pointers that are yours at 'get your church' (here).

The appex of attractional church - build it and they will come. Ironically hardly attractive.

I was thinking this while stuck in traffic outside an old - but done up - Anglican church that had all kinds of things going on for the community. The Forum at Greenwich - drop-in's for the elderly, specialist groups, community building activities, children's groups, education groups, IT provision, support for disability groups, unemployment support, music, art, exercise groups all under the banner of "here for the community and beyond".

The appex of salt and light in the community, a transformtative influence. This is how to get your church noticed by making a difference.

My heart sank when I looked them up. No longer a church just a building that happened to be a church before it disappeared. Still doing good but I felt sad that a worshipping community had to vacate or die off for an expression of community work to take its place.

Worse still - another day, another traffic jam and I notice a little bolt on church to the building not really looking part of what was going on - who knows I could be wrong I hope so.


Johnny said…
The Forum at Greenwich sounds like a great place to hold an Alpha Course! ;-)

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