LOTR - Name Generator...

OK - I really should be doing something more productive than this but....

Ever wanted to know what your Lord of The Rings name would be?

Try the LOTR - Name Generator here

As a Hobbit I am to be known as 'Bebo Digswell of Fair Downs'.

You can call me Bebo!

Another alternative site to the above temperamental one is here


Roz Lynch said…
Thanks Bebbo

From Sadda 'Headstrong' Smallburrow of Westmarch
Rob said…

Have a great day

Your Elven friend

Aloniver Tinúviel
Thomas said…
my hobbit name is

Moro Toadfoot!

good morrow!
Gordon said…
Sadda, Aloniver and Moro - great to meet you!!
The Smiths said…
Good link - from your ruralarmy opposite number:

Bedoc Bullroarer Topleaf , Thain of the Shire
Anonymous said…
I am officially bored this evening so:

Periago Brownlock , Mayor of Michel Delving
Gordon said…
Bullroarer, Periago welcome from the shire!

I took the liberty of typing our General's name in and now fear excommunication!

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