Farah Fawcett…Plastic Surgery…unrestrained beauty

I have just seen a disturbing picture. Farah Fawcett. Whoever made the decision to print the picture of this old woman needs to know the effect it has had on me. I lived for Thursday nights and Charley! She was part of my transition into young adulthood. I can close my eyes now and still see that picture of yesteryear that every male between 35-45 has locked away in their memories somewhere. But now?

The plastic surgeons knife cut lines of lies into that beauty. Barely noticeable as at first the deception goes un-noticed. There is something inherently ugly in a 60-year-old looking 30. She has been robbed of the beauty of natural aging that speaks of experience, trust and knowledge. Her stretched skin over her cheek-bones speak of inauthenticity. Her distorted lips and chin scream sham, pretense, charade, con. We’ll leave my analysis at the neck-line I think! Where has that beauty gone? Left alone people would have celebrated that unbridled attractiveness, beauty.

I wonder to what degree the bride of Christ is being pumped full of botex. Where are the cuts that are robbing her of her natural beauty? Silicon? Liposuction. When will we realise that what the church stands for is unrestrained beauty that doesn’t need the relevance treatment? It doesn’t need to stay young. It needs to grow older with grace. The pre-occupied church as it ages will show all the signs of a faced tinkered with too much, a cut too far, an implant too big!

A church that stands for justice, grace, liberty true salvation will remain attractive and will be remembered and respected for her natural beauty.


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