Old labels being washed away or new significance...

e~mergentkiwi points to a full e~mmersion in a postmodern pool where the old labels might well wash away in the missiological waters of incarnational mission?

I like that.

I like Maggie’s take as well. There is strength to be gained by difference. Like those ants you see on wildlife programmes - or Balamory! - that cling together to become one in all their differences to cross rivers etc… Our theological labels only hold significance in terms of stimulating missional creative tension within the communities we are called love. A clinging together rather than pulling each other down.

The problems start when our debate becomes insular, parochial pre-occupied. When we sit around and rather than see how our differences propel us to living out the gospel – we judge each other, score points, win arguments. Yes there is a need for debate, dialogue – perhaps we need to be certain about why.

My girls are at the moment watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang – I’m sure that they are not bothered whether it be on BBC1, BBC2; DVD; Video; Sky movies – all they are bothered about is that it is Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! I can’t help think that the people that we come into contact with probably wouldn’t be that bothered about whether we were evangelical; liberal; charismatic; evangelical-charismatic; post-evangelical; post-charismatic – all they are bothered about is being part of community. All they are bothered about is about being safe. All they are bothered about is feeling wanted, respected and loved.

I wonder if when our focus is more about who we are sent to and for as opposed ourselves, whether there is then a shift in significance and that is when rather than old labels being washed away, they find new significance in the ‘missiological waters of incarnational mission’.

Who knows...?


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