Sunday's bits and bobs...

I can’t pretend that today has been good – it hasn’t it.

It could have something to do with Patrick’s contributions to worship…! It could have something to do with too many people content to watch on as the Gordon and Kate one man/woman band show rolled in for their entertainment. It could have something to do with my guitar strings slipping every song. It could have something to do with the toilet leaking what toilets leak best "let your living water flow!" It could have something to do with being stretched to the limit with pastoral issues that wouldn’t be right to even hint at here. It could have something to do with I need a holiday!

I can’t pretend that today has been good – it hasn’t it. But then we sang together

"Let us press on then, never despair,
Live above feeling, victory's there;
Jesus can keep us so near to him
That nevermore our faith shall grow dim."

Live above feeling eh…?

Straight from mopping up from the toilet disaster I go and visit people in hospital. Ilona’s eye’s were a tonic; Dave and Jo’s smile’s refreshed – Sid’s welcome picked me up. I get back and the phone goes. Sobs on the other end of the phone indicate another problem – a couple that worship with us have found their flat broken into for drug money. Kate and I look at each other. Smile. Kate is on her way to bring support.

OK it’s been one of those days! Here’s to tomorrow. Here’s to remembering whose mission it really is. Here’s to not feeling so sorry for myself :o).


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