Old/new Wineskin...ebay and Mission...

Quite frequently I find myself engage with the 'old/new wineskin' conversation regarding church. Probably used it frequently myself. I find myself drawn back to what we were told were the 'old wineskins' to see if they truly were old before they were thrown out!

I’m mulling over the role of church in society. Historically I look back and see the church as pre-runner of our welfare state; education system; health care even protection. I look back and see church that people turned to for help and assistance in the whole of their lives. I look back and see church with a definite role and place in society. I look back and see church that acted with no other agenda but that of what needed to be done – I’m not sure that is a wineskin that should’ve been thrown out.

I wonder exactly what the old wineskins represent?

I know that society evolved and much of what the church were central to was passed on to state responsibility. I wonder what was lost was the ethos which in turn has thrown our 'missional raison d’ĂȘtre' into utter confusion sending us scuttling around looking for the new wineskins.

Equally I feel constantly drawn to look at the 'new wineskins' to make sure they weren't bought on ebay o.n.o.!!


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