100% Beard...

This was knocking around a while back. "Pognophilia: Growing Beards for the Love of Jesus". According to Kester Brewin - all Christian groups have their own beard!

I was disappointed that with our rich heritage and history of beard growth, there was not a Salvation Army representative.

So I came up with the primtive style! Unfortunately the only picture that came to mind was William Booth when he was looking thoughtful - or was he pretty much fed up!

Lovers of SA history are making various connections between our church's early day growth and different aspects and focus of theology. Perhaps it is more simple than that. I am surprised that no one has made the facial hair connection! Is it time for a worldwide movement of extreme, militant and radical beard growth?

Yep a waste of time but ... children off school and it is Founder's day after all?


Rhonda Hayes said…
Oops! Should I have gone to our Founders grave to sing O Boundless Salvation today? I prefer to celebrate founders day on 2nd July.
Gordon said…
don't worry Ronnie - I've always been pretty traditional in the observation of the true founders day - on his birthday :o)
Naomi said…
All this beard talk sounds rather sexist to me... ;-)
Andrew Bale said…
Evangeline - I know at least two female Salvationists with respectable stubble!

Anthony - you obviously missed out on the SA Web Page April 1st spoof - "wear a beard to work day'!

All these posts are creating in mind an attractive fantasy...

Me at Abney Park in a false beard (my wife wont let me grow real one!)singing Boundless Salvation - what a thought :-)

Of course it would a bear in the Railton style!

Love and prayers
Anonymous said…
Of course, the army's greatest numerical growth occurred during the generalship of the beardless Bramwell Booth
Gordon said…
forgive my ignorance captain dr bramwell hayes born in stoke - but wasn't Bramwell Booth eventually replaced by the first high council because he was beardless :o)
Andrew Bale said…
Don't forget Gordon that at the end of the day the margin of the final vote was very narrow... indeed it might have been called a close shave...
Gordon said…
boom boom! :o)

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