It seems the Theological Worldview meme is doing the rounds again, it made me wonder how hard do you have to try to make sure you get the outcome you want. (Incidently I was more Emergent/Postmodern; more Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan and more Neo orthodox than when I did it here. I remember doing a political one at the time of the General Election and however hard I tried to be true to my Labour inclination I popped out a Libral Democrat!

It seems that John Buckeridge editor of Christianity Magazine would shy from the label evangelical! You can read his article THE ‘E’ WORD here. It seems to have cause some interest in various places here
"I’m tired of being tarred with the identities of men with megaphones who shout ‘hell’, ‘wrath’ and ‘damnation’ at passers-by and fail to say, ‘love’, ‘grace’ or ‘forgiveness’. I’m tired of being tarred with the identities of the ‘anti-everything’ brigade – who angrily list the things they are against and claim to speak for ‘evangelicals’, but actually have a tiny support base. And I’m tired of being tarred with US right wing foreign policy".


Anonymous said…
Even the words 'Christian' and 'Church' have been painted with the same Bush-brush. Hence why many Christians today have just been calling themselves followers of Jesus.

Its all a name game in the end. Do we let the words loose their original meanings and simply find new words to use. Or do we try and reclaim the words and live in such a way as to create a more positive light on the words?

Peter Lublink
Carl said…
I wonder why we would want to be so attached to the word 'evangelical' as to reclaim it.

I'm with John Buckeridge on this one.

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