Sunday's Highlights...

I love the London Marathon, not enough to run it though! I love the fact that it passes the end of our street. I love going down after our Sunday morning meeting and watching the runners all running for a good cause. Celebrities rubbing shoulders with everyone else. Crowds and runners all helping each other along.

But today's highlight was a shared moment with Patrick. We were looking at Amos this afternoon and I found a song that I have never used before - the words were perfect.

I will speak out for those who have no voices,
I will stand up for the rights of all the oppressed;
I will speak truth and justice,
IÂ’ll defend the poor and the needy,
I will lift up the weak in Jesus'’ name.

I will speak out for those who have no choices,
I will cry out for those who live without love;
I will show God's compassion
To the crushed and broken in spirit,
I will lift up the weak in Jesus'’ name.

No-one else in the hall I started to get to grips with the tune, no-one else there I cranked up the volume, no-one else there I really started to sing the words out without inhibition. It took a while before I realised that I wasn't alone - I hadn't seen Patrick come in.

I stopped up short. Patrick walked up to me and said "can I help you sing it?"

Patrick more than anyone helps me sing it.


Andrew Bale said…
Gordon can I sing along with you and Patrick?

"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor."

I don't think I will ever quote the Carpenters on a Blog again but who knows... the following is for you and Patrick:

Sing, sing a song
Sing out loud
Sing out strong
Sing of good things, not bad
Sing of happy, not sad.

Sing, sing a song
Make it simple
To last your whole life long
Don't worry that it's not good enough for anyone else to hear
Just sing, sing a song.

Sing, sing a song
Let the world sing along
Sing of love there could be
Sing for you and for me.

Sing, sing a song
Make it simple
To last your whole life long
Don't worry that it's not good enough for anyone else to hear
Just sing, sing a song.

Yours (out of tune) but full of enthusiasm

Gordon said…
of course - you are more than welcome!!
Anonymous said…
Gordon what is that song?

Gordon said…
It is in Songs Of Fellowship (do you have that in Oz?) It is called I will speak out by D. Bankhead/R. Goudie/S. Rinaldi/ S.Bassett - published by word.

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