the forgotten day of Easter...

I've had emails today wishing me happy Easter. I don't want to be ready - yet. I am trying to hold on to loss today - in order not to lose the beauty of sunrise tomorrow.

"Easter Saturday is almost like the forgotten day of Easter. It was the day when Jesus lay dead and buried in his borrowed tomb." rejesus , maggi helped me last year not just to breeze through today thinking it was monday because I was at church yesterday and that Easter is as much about Saturday as it is about Friday and Sunday.

reJesus in the pop up meditation points out that "For the first followers of Jesus, this was the end of the road, the end of hope. They had no expectation that anything extraordinary would happen. As that heavy stone was rolled across the entrance to Jesus' tomb, it really seemed like The End."

"Think of the names of people you know who have lost hope in some area of their lives...?"

That's been helpful for me.

Happy Easter? Not yet!


ps - this helped


Rehoboth said…
My sentiments exactly. I was so disappointed on Good Friday evening to go to a church near us and sing Up from the grave he arose and See what a morning. It is not that I want to be tied to artificial ritual and I know that Jesus is as much alive on Good Friday as any other day since the first Easter sunday but we forget so easily that for Jesus Friday was a long agonising day. How dare we glibly rush to the happy ending. Like you I know I need to "survey the wonderous cross."

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